Thursday, May 26, 2016

Renowned Fulbright Scholar Joins My Grand Ole Jury Documentary Team

May 25, 2016
For Immediate Release

Fulbright Scholar Joins Doyle Grand Jury Documentary Project

Dr. Eileen M. Angelini, a renowned Fulbright Scholar with extensive experience in documentary research and production, has agreed to play a key role in the production of the documentary entitled The Gran' Ole Jury: No Judge Just A Rope.  The documentary is being produced by Dan Doyle and the Institute for International Sport, which Mr. Doyle founded in 1986.

Dr. Angelini, who holds a Ph.D. from Brown University, has a long history of work with Mr. Doyle and the Institute, having served as a teacher, group leader, and coach at several Scholar-Athlete Games.  Dr. Angelini's primary role in the documentary will center on research, development of the narrative, and, ultimately, translation.  Dr. Angelini is currently co-translating with Dr. Ruth Caldwell the French to English translation of Laurette Alexis-Monet’s Les Miradors de Vichy.  Drs. Angelini and Caldwell are also finalizing the English subtitles for the feature-length film Laurette 1942 by Francis Fourcou in preparation for U.S. screenings.

The Grand Jury documentary, which has generated widespread interest, will be a centerpiece of the Institute's newly created Documentary and Music Division. The new division links directly with the Institute’s Scholar-Athlete Games program and other Institute initiatives.

For further information, contact

Thursday, May 12, 2016

One Song Four Versions

My latest post on Medium addresses the creative process, in this case recording one song four ways! I hope you enjoy reading about it.