Monday, August 18, 2014

At some point in September, I will provide an update on the following projects:

·        The Namibian Scholar-Athlete Games, and where it will lead.
·        The “An African Rebound” Trilogy (I am about 65% done with the second book).
·        The Shoeless Joe play, including the date for the next stage reading.
·        The Love and Forgiveness in Sport Curriculum, which has now been completed.  This update will include information on the Executive Committee we have formed to help move the program forward, and how the Curriculum will link with National Sportsmanship Day. 
·        Other Institute for International Sport initiatives.

Music Project
One preliminary project update I will provide at this point is based on a number of inquiries I have received over the last few weeks, and in need of clarification.  I will expand on this particular project in September.

As some of you know, I have written and have now recorded a series of ten songs.  Many of the songs are directed at Boomers.  Others include a song regarding the Grand Jury system, a song about Single Moms and, for better or worse, a rap song!

The project has been a joy from the outset, especially due to the magnificent group of musicians and the terrific producer who make up the team.  We have finished the recording of all songs, and we are now in the process of final editing and production.  The CD will include the 10 songs, along with three songs that relate to the Shoeless Joe play (Take Me Out to the Ball Game, You Are My Sunshine and Dixie).

When I first met with Rob Gottfried and Dianne Mower about the project, two music mavens and great friends, I asked that we try to put together a group of very high level musicians.  Due to Rob and Dianne’s diligence and belief in the project, the following individuals have participated on the team. Rather than list their achievements, which would fill many pages, please feel free to Google any of them to get an idea of their level of proficiency.

Sax and trumpet: Billy Holloman
Steel guitar: Terry Sutton
Drums: Rob Gottfried
Pianist: Matt DeChamplain (Matt also played a key role in the musical development of each song)
Organist: Joe Grieco
Mandolin: Bill Walach  
Violin:  Bruna Myftaraj
Co-rapper: Annika (at 16 years old, Annika is also a brilliant singer).
Guitar: Norman Johnson (Norman has also worked his magic as the producer)
Bass Guitar:  Don Wallace
Back-up vocalists: Dianne Mower and Joe Grieco.
My voice teacher and "overseer" of the project: Dianne Mower

The Process
Many of the queries have expressed interest in the process.  Without going into too much detail, the process has involved my writing the song and then creating, in my mind, the melody.  I would then work with Dianne Mower and Matt DeChamplain, singing the song to the melody in my mind.  Within minutes, Matt, who is a brilliant young pianist, would be playing the chords.  From that point, the three of us would work together to develop each song and accompanying music.

More on this project in September.