Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

My first attempt at writing verse of any sort was in my mom's hospital room as she approached death.

A few years later, I read about a famous South Central Bell Telephone  Mother’s Day commercial in which legendary Alabama football coach Paul "Bear" Bryant asked the question: "Have you called your Mama today?"

After posing the question, and all on his own, “The Bear” looked into the camera and added, "I sure wish I could call mine."

I knew exactly what he meant.

She lies unstirring, awaits her reward
“A matter of hours,” says Dr. Jim with tears
I do what sons do at this fated hour
I confront the harsh truth
Never again will my mum
Make the April drive to Ocracoke
Gaze at a Monet
Display her works at the Annisquam Gallery
Go to Mass
Receive the Sacraments, save the last
Design her Christmas cards
Amass Green Stamps for four years
To take her family abroad
Eat chocolate too late at night
Welcome her grandchildren
Use her bare hand
To mat my sister’s blazing hair
Put out other fires
Will her wishes into being
Scold my Dad
Tell him she loves him
Tell me she loves me, as she has so often

The Parkinson’s has made enemy death her friend
I do what son’s do at this fated hour
I kiss her forehead
Tender deep thanks

And wish her peace