Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A New School Year Begins

As the new school year begins, I am pleased to share an article I wrote last September for entitled, Best Coaches Teach More Than Sports.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fantastic Feedback

I was privileged to meet so many wonderful scholar-athletes, scholar-artists, volunteers, coaches and educators at the World Scholar-Athlete Games and Peace Summit. And I am grateful for the many emails and letters we have received following the event.

Periodically, I will share comments we receive from the participants. What follows is a sampling of the feedback we have been getting since closing ceremonies.

“I admire what you are doing, even more now that I have had a taste of it. Many, many thanks for this marvelous work!” - Bill Drayton, Chair, Ashoka

“This was one of the most moving events that I have ever been to.” - Dr. Richard Lapchick

"This past week has been the best experience of my life; it has changed me as a person, inside and out. It helped me realize that even as one teenager, I can make a difference and contribute to peace, something I had never recognized was possible before as a single person. The speeches were inspirational and incredible, and I have been given opportunities because of these Games that I would not have had if I had not been honored to attend.” - Hannah Fasano

“I believe that all of us in education ought to be directing our attention to this effort you have inspired!!” - Bessie Speers, Head of School, The Ethel Walker School

It was awesome to see so many youth alive and engaged with issues bigger than themselves. It was also great to see sport being used in such a powerful way – as a vehicle for peace. And thank you for making it a priority to have the Voices of Women panel.” - Joslyn Dalton, ESPN

“It was amazing to meet so many like-minded student-athletes and attend seminars with such inspiring instructors and speakers. Thank you for creating the Games and Peace Summit and providing me and other students from around the world with this wonderful experience.”- Spencer Couch

"I want you to know how grateful I am that you gave me the opportunity to be a part of the Games and the World Youth Peace Summit. Both were truly life changing experiences that I will always keep close to my heart. The people, stories, and unique events all make up for a memory a teenage girl, such as myself, is beyond blessed to call her own. The things I learned during my time spent at WSAG are things that I remind myself of every day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening this door for me because it has opened dozens more.” - Mary Katherine Johnson

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Great Read: Frank Deford’s Bliss, Remembered

Frank Deford, one of America’s great writers, gave a terrific presentation at the World Youth Peace Summit. Following the Summit, I had the pleasure of reading Frank’s novel Bliss, Remembered. It is a wonderful story based around the 1936 Berlin Olympics. I highly recommend it.

For those who decide to read the book, I also recommend a fine op-ed that appeared in the New York Times by David Clay Large entitled The Games the Nazis Played.